
Absorption and acoustic properties
The absorbents’ ability to absorb air-borne sounds depends on the thickness of the material.
As a measure of the materials’ sound absorbing properties, the air absorption factor α, a dimensionless number which refers to the ratio of absorbed energy to the energy incident on the sound damping material, is used.
Factor α can theoretically be between 0 and 1, corresponding to none or full absorption. In all sound absorbing materials, α varies with the frequency of the sound.
Antiphon product solutions

LA – air borne sound absorbents
antiphon® LA™ is a family of open cell foam materials that is used in various applications as air borne sound absorbents. Because sound absorption varies depending on the sounds’ frequency and the thickness of the material, these products are adapted to a range of different sizes to be optimized for all kinds of different applications.

LA LV light weight absorbents
antiphon® LA LV is a sound absorbing, self-adhesive non-woven light weight material produced out of PET-PP. The material is easy to install and gives a clean and neat impression in relation to its sound absorbing properties.
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